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Accept/Back order by Excel File Upload

Accepting or Back ordering multiple lines can be easily done by downloading all order lines into an Excel file and then uploading back the same file with back order details

Download New Orders into Excel file

  1. Download Order Template from Order Templates Download
  2. Select Schedule Status as New. This will download all orders that are in new status
  3. Optionally you can download orders by order number or order date
  4. This will download an excel file to your local machine. Save it to local drive

Update Back order details

  1. Open the downloaded excel file and update Promised date and promised qty fields
  2. Promised Delivery Date, Quantity Promised and Action columns are to be updated
  3. If the line is back ordered, enter the back order date , quantity that you will deliver ( it can be full quantity or partial quantity)
  4. For back order, enter the action as Change
  5. For accepting the line, enter the actual required delivery date as the promised date, quantity as the promised quantity and action as Accept
  6. Save the updated file to your local machine

Upload File

Upload the file into TPSynergy
Browse for the file in the computer and click Upload button

Validate File Data

  1. Press Validate button
  2. if there are any errors it will be shown under errors column and Submit button will not be enabled
  3. Correct the errors in the excel file and upload again and validate
  4. When there are no errors , Submit button will be enabled

Submit File for processing

  1. Once all errors are corrected, Submit button will be available
  2. Click Submit button to process the file

Orders get processed

Orders will get processed