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Preparing Shipments by Excel Upload

This is not a mandatory step. Shipments can be created from the order itself. In case if you have many orders to be shipped and the packages are to be created in a specific order, then Excel upload may be a better option. For example, if you want to create multiple packages for each order line and each packages having different quantity. Then it is easier to create the shipments through Excel upload

Download Draft Shipments in Excel Format

Download and Save Excel File

Save the downloaded Excel file to local machine and update necessary data
For Creating Routing Request in Amazon , the following fields are necessary

  1. Total Weight
  2. Weight UOM
  3. Carrier PickUp Date
  4. Carrier Pickup Time
  5. Total Volume
  6. Volume UOM
  7. Freight Class Code
  8. Stackable

Update the excel file with the above information

How to create multiple packages

  1. To create multiple pacakges for the same line. For example Order Line 1 has a quantity of 10. You want to pack it into 4 boxes of 10,10,10 and 20.
  2. In the Excel file create new rows by copy paste existing row for line number 1
  3. Change the shipped quantity as needed
  4. Change Shipment line numbers to make it unique
  5. Now it will create multiple packages

Remove Carton number column data

Ensure Caron number is blank as system will generate the carton numbers. If downloaded from Planned status it will have carton numbers in the system. You can remove this column so that it does not overwrite the data

No of Packages column

Ensure that the column No of pacakges has the correct number of total number of packages for the shipment. The number of packages is not at line level but it is for the entire shipment

Upload the updated excel file back into TPSynergy

Validate the data and Submit

  1. Click Validate button first and then Submit button.
  2. If there are any errors in the data, Submit button will not be enabled. You will be able to see the errors in the errors column. Correct the data and validate once again.
  3. When there are no errors in the file, Submit button will be enabled
  4. Click Submit button to create the draft shipment

Draft Shipment Created

View and Verify the newly created shipment

Note down the shipment number in excel file or from the message while uploading shipment. You will need this shipment number to search for the shipment

From the shipments menu, search for the shipment number above.

Click the number under Count column

Draft Shipment Created

All Details provided in the Excel file updated in the system. At this time, TPSynergy will send a EDI routing request ( 4 weeks after go live with orders)

Print Packing Slip and Carton Labels

Select one or more shipments and click Print Button to generate packing slip and carton labels

Shipping Documents Generated